Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Stealing Time

I'm getting ready to start a new story. There are lots of writerly stuff I like to do... but not yet. This time is all about the mindset.

I like to read.

I like to remind myself of why I love to read a romance and get lost in the journey to happily ever after. There may or may not be chocolate eating involved. It's a time for sneaking in a chapter here and there to race to the ahhhh moment.

This week I have to make Princess 6 a birthday cake too so there is much juggling. I'm sure I'll be able to sneak some good books in.

How do you make time to enjoy a good book between life, kids, work? Any hints gratefully received.


  1. I always love hearing about how people save time and the ways they do so - car pooling, pre-making dinners to freeze, watching less TV, getting up an hour early. Not sure if any of these work as I've never done them :) Would like to though . . . if only I could find the time . . .

  2. Lol, Helen! I read at night in bed. That's pretty much the only time - unless we're away on holiday. But writing seems to take up a great portion of my free time. That's a bit sad isn't it? ;-)
